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I am a casual fan of the show, so I don't watch religiously but like to keep up with streaming when I can.

I wasn't sure what to expect with the trailer. One thing I'll say is that I think the new characters look good, especially the villain and henchmen and the gryphon character, who looks quite colorfull and lovely. However, I couldnt help but notice that the main characters look pretty flat in comparison to the new characters. This feels weird to me. Shouldn't our protagonists look at least as good as the villain? I don't know if it's just that they haven't finished post production, but yea, the main characters look similarly flat to their low budget TV versions but the new characters look kinda jazzed up. If this is how it will look in theatres, I kinda question that decision.

That being said, introducing a new villain and new allies is smart. Not so sure about the sea horses... that's probably a merchandising play. (They've sold seahorse merchandise in previous iterations of this franchise, so they are kinda just updating an old idea and will crank out the toys when this hits.) I guess I can't complain since mlp was always intended as a merchandising show, so I'll have to see the movie to understand whether the sea horse characters have any narrative value.


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