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Ask yourself, being as I'm 55 years old and been around the block a few times, why is it that everything I say must be instantly dismissed without investigation or due consideration?

because you're 55 years old, living with your mother supposedly taking care of her who believes that african american studies is a cultural marxist thing because you had a problem with one African American male (presumably while living in the 'great' state of texas or while you were going to college in the 'Socialist Republic' of California).

You're patently ridiculous, Perri. You can't even see how racist and anti-Semitic your stances are. You openly link to people talking about the "worldwide jewish conspiracy" and then try to back track when people call you out on it.

You claim to want nothing to do the furry fandom then yell and cry about it, you are the livin "old man yells at clouds" meme.

Stop. Just stop. Go take care of your mother or talk to your boyfriend in Kansas.


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