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You want to see a cult? These commenters at Flayrah, the self-admitted Communists, people who can never smile or take a joke, people who hate people they don't know just because somebody told them to, and deliberately avoid looking for any evidence to the contrary. People who become adept at not seeing things that are right in front of their faces. They're under the influence of a cult. And you probably are too. Because you don't read what I write. You read what you've been conditioned to see.

Unfortunately, I'm not a professional deprogrammer. There are people here that I care about, in spite of how badly they've hurt my feelings, but there's nothing I can do to stop this bunch of lemmings from marching off a cliff if that's what they're determined to do. And if you're determined to follow them, well, that's a shame. But still, nothing I can do about it.

But maybe there's something you can do for yourself. Ask yourself, being as I'm 55 years old and been around the block a few times, why is it that everything I say must be instantly dismissed without investigation or due consideration? Ask yourself why is it that you read several paragraphs about how harmless somebody is, and come away being more scared of them than ever.

Ask yourself, who was it that impressed upon you that you should never think for yourself, that you must always belong to a group, and you must go along with whatever that group is pushing. Even if what that group is pushing is intellectually dishonest and morally unethical. Who set it in your mind that it was ok to persecute people in ways you wouldn't want to be persecuted yourself?

When you can face the fact that you are in a group of Communist/Fascist bullies, backing them up in their efforts to persecute innocent people, maybe you can escape from this cult. But I don't think I'm going to put any money on it.


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