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Well the "problem" for Mr. Fox Miller is that he, and the rest of you, live in the real world. The real world is complex and requires knowledge to navigate properly. Saying that your leader is having problems dealing with the real world because he is dumb and/or ignorant, and refuses to educate himself for whatever reason is just not an excuse. That's lazy at best. If he doesn't understand something he can pick up a book or a newspaper and read just like the rest of us. Saying that he has involved himself in offensive or deplorable things because he is just a dumb person is stupid. And you are silly to follow someone who you openly admit is dumb and ignorant and unwilling to learn.

Yes, that is how a cult of personality works. All of your faith in Mr. Miller is based upon your affection towards him as some kind of charismatic personality. You have now admitted multiple times that he has no real knowledge or skills that are particularly relevant to leading a group of people on a philosophical journey. You have said that all he has is his capabilities with computers which allows him to be employed, and his personal charms. Nothing more. No knowledge to impart. No understanding of how the world works or history, which would equip him with the ability to shepherd a flock through a tough world. Instead, you say he has a job and is charismatic. For this, you have sold your soul to be at his side. That is the hallmark of a cult of personality.

Obviously, you have demonstrated that you are capable of looking at history. Look at the story of "David Koresch," another so-called charismatic leader who was very uneducated. He dropped out of high school and went on to lead a group of people to their deaths, all the way claiming that they were being oppressed by tyrannical authorities. Also, he changed his name just like Mr. Fox Miller. Except instead of referencing Hitler he referenced ancient leaders. Like your leader, he was dumb but was able to bind people to him through his personality. That's how a cult of personality works.

You claim that there are no politics in your group, but that is an obvious blatant lie. You yourself linked several completely political videos to me in defense of the Raiders. In one video featuring the raider in the fursuit, he goes on and on about how conservative ideologies are under siege and that's part of his reason for being a Raider. Numerous Raiders, including your dear leader have stated their support for alt-right political ideology. You clearly support it, which is why you linked those videos to me. You are all about politics. You live it and breathe it, as do all of your fellow Raiders.

You claim also that the only thing your leader knows of discrimination is "what's been done to him." So he has zero knowledge of the suffering of any person outside of himself? Okay, you just admitted that he has no empathy whatsoever. Do you understand that not having empathy for other's suffering is the definition of a psycopath? You just said it. All he knows is his own struggles. His own pain. The world outside of his consciousness is of no consequence. Everything and everyone around him is simply a meaningless tool for him to use to improve his situation. That is a psycopath.

You say that the more people try to teach him right from wrong, and try to show him how to experience empathy, the more he will lash out and become more destructive. To be honest, I fear for you and the other members of the cult. Some day he is going to go so out of control that he will ask you to do something truly devastating to all of you, and you will do it because by then, the cult of personality will be all that you know.


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