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I was not asked to promote Foxler or make him look good. The group asked me simply to get the truth out. And the truth is Foxler is not nearly as spectacular as Deo and Patch would like the world to believe. He's just an average fur of his times, suffering the ill effects of America's internationally low rated educational system.

Give Foxler a computer problem to solve, and he performs at a spectacularly professional level which earns him an income that allows him to be generous. Unfortunately, the price he pays for being that good at one thing is that he knows very little about other things.

That's just the truth of the man, and it's all you're going to get out of him. He's never going to be the charismatic leader you want him to be. He's never going to be in the least scary. And nobody is ever going to look justified punching him or kicking him down the street.

Sorry, I wasn't hired to create or propagate myths. They just said they were tired of people talking s--t about them and they wanted to be seen for who they really are.

You guys are kind of like the news media busting into a convention, desperate to find something shocking to boost ratings. But all you find are people shopping at dealer's tables.

Sorry guys. If there was something interesting going on with The Raiders I'd tell you. But there's just nothing happening in there that's even worth writing about.


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