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Thanks for the well thought out and fact based response. It's sad that Peri seems to have fallen so far down the rabbit hole with this cult that she may never get out. I really hope she does. The more I have seen of the Furry Raiders, it is so clear they are a cult based loosely on various white nationalist/supremacist ideologies. The themes of ethnic grievances are common throughout their videos. I had actually seen the last video Peri linked to me before of the young-sounding person in the fur suit who was explaining why they had become a raider and it was so sad. It didn't take long into the video before he/she claimed that white people were under assault or somehow being oppressed by minorities. It's so sad to see young people's minds corrupted and twisted with ideologies that we fought and died to try and free the world from in World War 2, and it's 2017...

Maybe it makes sense that some furries who are struggling with acceptance in their own lives are falling prey to such cults. It makes them feel like they belong somewhere, but they fail to realize that they already have that with the furry community. They can already belong in a welcoming community. There is no need to join these cults, other than to become immersed in these destructive ideologies of racial supremacy. That path however will only lead to personal destruction and ruin their relationships with normal people...


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