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Perri, you say a lot of things. Your last rant (I won't credit it with the title of article) about me said I was a "terrorist" in a "terrorist organization". Those are incredibly damaging and outlandish accusations to hurl so freely. When you wrote that rant, and all the others that followed, you never contacted me to discuss any part of the events.

I have not been in the furry fandom for as long as some people, that is true. But after 12 years I don't think anyone will buy your bologna that I am some sort of new invader bent on destroying the fandom. I have roots in this community, and people know me. Artists know I am generous, friends know I am kind, and con attendees know I love to host a good party.

"They do not create anything. Their purpose is the destruction of society itself. They are indoctrinated to infiltrate and destroy anything they can get their hands on."

I do create. In 2005 I joined the fandom and since then I have made half a dozen fursuits, countless paintings and drawings, and one joint furry comic project.

Perri, I am a millwright keeping machinery running to produce metals needed for infrastructure and manufacturing. My work very literally supports society as most of our materials are used in American bridge building projects. Every time you drive over a bridge, I want you to think of me and my brothers in the steel industry holding you up. I build things, I repair things, I play my small part in keeping the wheels of industry and society running. I volunteer regularly and often to support my local community. You continue telling people that I, and those you lump in with me, are out to destroy society which is blatantly false.

Maybe if you had bothered to speak to me (like real journalists with ethics do) you would have known months ago before you took up this smear campaign that I am not some destructive collossus.


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