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You only think that public schools "produced" me (by which I assume you mean introduced me to or convinced me of a thing) because you think it would support your crackpot idea if it were. Not based on evidence or even asking me who--I believe the academic term is --"radicalized" me. (Your fallacious belief that all communism = marxism and marxism = "cultural marxism" is another example of your gaps in logical reasoning.)

The irony though, is that you're here talking to us about some scary cabal of Jews preying upon and converting people, meanwhile you yourself are a textbook example of radicalization. Seriously. For starters, you're the target demographic: a lonely white permaNEET with poor social skills and a lot of anger, longing to feel special and important and more easily swayed by persuasive storytelling than facts or figures. On this site alone we've watched you devolve from Hey, I feel a kinship with these people you don't like to I've now officially joined this group to I'm a leader of this group now, by the way I'm also a white nationalist anti-Semite, please watch these videos on the topic while I talk about how nasty and evil you all are.

Jeez, and I thought that by talking to Raiders you said we wouldn't find stuff like that.

Does the one single Black person you've dated during your time in Baltimore know you're a white nationalist now?

(And if spitting white nationalist rhetoric in my face after repeatedly insisting you weren't one of those is your idea of "maintaining respect", all the better. I prefer snakes with rattles.)


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