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Uh, no, I have never taken a Cultural Marxist Black Studies class. Thank you very much. I live in Baltimore. I have been the only white kid in an all black school. I've lived with and shared cultures with black people all my life. I've even been in a relationship with a black person.

Also, for your information, my fingers don't type very fast. And, if you had an S.O. like mine, you'd be burning their picture too.

I don't remember what video you're talking about, and I can't find it in my journal. But, basically you're saying that, because I was fool enough to respect your opinion and ask you for your thoughts on if something was true or not, you jump to the conclusion that I believe the video and am some kind of holocaust denier or something. Maybe you should have skipped Black Studies and taken a course in intellectual discussion.

Yes, I think I read that article you linked above a long time ago, back when I was first hearing of Cultural Marxism and didn't want to believe it either. I totally dismissed it on the basis of that article. Crazy stuff, couldn't be true. But here we are a few years later, and we see kids marching out of schools with Communist flags. I'm sitting here right now, to my utter astonishment, talking to a self-professed Anarcho-Communist, produced by the American education system, telling me Cultural Marxism isn't real.

Back in 2003 when that article was written, I'm sure it did sound like a conspiracy theory. It probably seemed laughable back then. Nobody's laughing now. We have no other explanation for your existence. If you've got a less sinister explanation for why we suddenly have all these Communist flags in our faces, you need to do a paper on that one.

You and Crossie are full of it. I don't mind legitimate criticism, but I don't recall Sonious saying much about Xzavior having artistic ambitions, having a fursuit in the works, things he'd been involved in recently, how he was regarded in the group, or what potential he might have had. The bulk of Sonious' final section is him lamenting that he had no such information to work with. And I find it hard to believe that either of you missed that. So your criticism is not constructive. It's just a bold faced lie made for spite.

My benefit of the doubt is stretched to its limit. Excuse me while I ball up any respect I've been trying to maintain for either of you and put it out with the garbage where it belongs.

As with my ex, there comes a point where it becomes obvious the good I was hoping would surface in nasty people was never there to begin with. It was just my own foolish wishful thinking, based on an antiquated philosophy that there is good in everyone. And, yes, in that respect, I am a well proven idiot.


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