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Well that depends on your concept of freedom. You see, what you're describing is Anarchy. And, yes, Anarchy can seem like a very free situation, if you're either a big bully or someone who can hold his own in a scrap. And on the internet, everything is a war of words. So I can hold my own in a scrap. I could probably adjust to it just fine if I wanted to. But I don't. I don't see one thing about that idea that's appealing. So if that's where the fandom is moving, I'm not moving there with it.

No great loss, I'm sure some people are thinking. And that's probably true. I don't expect what I do to be of any use at all to the new blood coming in. Like you say, it's going to be all Twitter. Short attention span theater all the way. I can't imagine a world in which I would be more useless.


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