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Yes, it bothers me that gansta rap and thug culture exist at all. Their function is basically to make black people comfortable being lower class, which holds them back from even trying to climb out of a bad situation.

Wow, Perri, where'd you learn this? Ever take, like, a Black studies class? Or have Black friends? Or go outside and interact with people in person? Too busy burning pictures of your e-girlfriend's avatar on Second Life and churning out contradictory, paranoid ramblings just as fast as your fingers will type?

No, they are Cultural Marxists. They do not create anything. Their purpose is the destruction of society itself.

When you sent me that video and asked me what I thought of it, I told you I'd get back to you on it. I never got back to you on it because all I saw was "it's JEWS' FAULT the Holocaust happened!" and I was hoping against hope that you were thick-skulled enough for it to have been a mistake...guess I can't think that now if you genuinely believe in that anti-Semitic, white nationalist conspiracy theory, I guess I can't anymore. What a total coincidence you just fit in so well with the (primarily young 20-something, btw) Raiders. ;)

Edit: Also have to agree with Crossie in that your "response" to this article is essentially just restating it with added racism and more of the same "furry fandom is DOOOMED!!!" dribble it seems you've been writing for years.


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