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3) Yes, it bothers me that gansta rap and thug culture exist at all. Their function is basically to make black people comfortable being lower class, which holds them back from even trying to climb out of a bad situation. It's probably the most harmful thing in pop culture, though hardly the only harmful thing that gets a free pass. And of course, when it causes harm outside the black community, no one wants to hear about that either.

The fact remains that, as a mod on the internet, I had no immediate way of telling what color Xzavier was in real life. Therefore it was much more difficult for me to judge his use of the N word than for those who just assume out of prejudice that all Furry Raiders are white.

Did I speak to him about his actions? No, I never spoke to him directly at all that I recall. I just monitored group activity, which is my job as a mod. I had no personal feeling for him, and still don't. But other people in the group did. And, their reactions to him were extreme and notable. So I noted them. Indeed, there would have to have been something positive going on with this guy for the mods to have held back on banning him. I've seem Raiders get banned for far lesser offenses.

But yes, others in the group did talk to him about his language before his death. I said as much, that he had friends now who would chase after him and show him that letting trolls get the better of him was not the way to go. And that's all his outbursts were, responses to bullying trolls whose behavior will never be called into question, because they are your new rulers, whether you choose to face it or not.

Was I worried about being called an SJW for questioning his language? Nope. The rules in The Furry Raiders are pretty much the same as in the old fandom. We're a multi-racial group. Any use of a racial slur as an insult earns a strike, whether on a Raider site or anywhere else on the net. Each strike earns some kind of discipline along with a good talking to.

You remember how things used to be, don't you, Sonious? Back when Furry was the community famous for being tolerant and inclusive. It's only been, what? A year or two. Like we didn't have more than 20 years experience maintaining a multi-racial habitat before a bunch of jackasses decided we needed bigoted SJW's to tell us how to do it.

4) No, Sonious. I didn't say I wouldn't give you a statement. I gave you a statement whether you wanted one or not. But I put it on my own site first, just in case you might have wanted to indulge in some creative editing. Nobody should ever give a direct statement to a Furry news site ever again without it first being backed up somewhere else in its original form.

5) No, we don't speak for greymuzzles, that's another thing entirely. Our purpose is to preserve the old pre-SJW fandom's atmosphere of inclusiveness and support of individuality. Basically we just want to be allowed to go on being what we were. And Xydexx can kiss my tail if he wants to be on the Burned Fur side of this new attempt to hi-jack the fandom. Just proves my long standing point that he was never any better than a Burned Fur himself.

Yeah, I know, there are a lot of older furs supporting this SJW crap. And just about every one of them has a history with Burned Fur or Crush, Yiff, Destroy. But this time they get to attack the fandom under a cloak of legitimacy, because people don't understand what SJW's are really all about. And the old trolls don't care either way, just as long as they finally get to come out on top of the people they've wanted to destroy for decades.

A & B) Honestly, Sonious, sometimes I can't tell if you're just really naïve, or deliberately hiding a sinister agenda. But I like to give you the benefit of the doubt that you genuinely do not know what you're involved in.

Managing A & B was never a problem for Furry Fandom. We had freedom, we fought for it, we valued it, it had us on the verge of total mainstream success. But some people just couldn't stand to see that happen. So, at the very last minute, they sold us out to what has now been legally defined as a domestic terrorist group.

Are you really naïve enough to think these ANTIFA SJW's are about A & B? No, they are Cultural Marxists. They do not create anything. Their purpose is the destruction of society itself. They are indoctrinated to infiltrate and destroy anything they can get their hands on. And you have only to look at the destruction they've achieved every place else they've been to see what the future holds for pro-SJW Furry Fandom.

Don't want to take my word for it, do your own friggen research. It's not like you can take a turn on the internet without running into this crap.

Furry Fandom has let its doom in by the front door. Pardon me if I don't care to hang around for the train wreck.


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