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1) I know I don't have to talk to you because you'll talk anyway.

2) According to science statistically significant number of furries have experienced bullying in their life times, but somehow a statistically significant number of furries are not misanthropic to join the Raiders.

3) Good lord this quote...

Because it struck me that he didn't use the N word the way a white racist would use it. He used it the way it's used in black pop-culture. Which, unfortunately, a lot of white kids are now exposed to on a daily basis. And black pop culture doesn't give a flip about how confusing it is to white kids absorbing that language where the N word is just another way of addressing your homies.

White kids are also exposed to a lot of other things as well (and I guess you're okay that black kids are exposed to it? *scratches head*). And like with all those things, proper parenting is a great way to prevent things from being misconstrued. Or when you first find out it's a word not fit for your consumption. This happened to me with a particular word for transexual (the one that ends with an "E" sound) as I was never informed it was offensive slang until I had used it among those who were trans* in the mid-2000s. I apologized and never used it again, and this was despite me getting some real anger in response to the word, I knew I had created the anger through my ignorance and so I wasn't ignorant of it anymore.

Did you ever speak to your member directly as to why as a white guy that that looks bad? Why not question this BEFORE his death? I thought you guys were really looking out for one another here... Were you worried he or your colleagues would accuse you of being a SJW if you questioned that language?

4) You started your article asking why I didn't ask for a statement and then said "I wouldn't have given you a statement".

Even I wouldn't give a statement directly to Flayrah, and especially not to Dogpatch.

So glad I didn't waste my time then?


You know which side you're bread's buttered on


6) So the furry raiders are a group that speaks to "old furs" now? I mean it speaks to you, we know this, but trust me when I say some of those SJWs you gripe about are about as old as you correct? Xydexx and Mister F for instance have twitter feeds almost obsessive over ousting Nazi furs and they are both at least 10 years older than myself.

Most of the furries I look upon are older than myself, and always have been. I don't have a furry Amino. The divide is not in the age, it is in the philosophy, and it's two principals in furry that can run counter to one another.

a) Furries tend to believe in freedom of expression, sometimes in spite of 'decency' (I mean we draw porn of cartoons for crying outs loud)

b) Socially furries tend to try and wish to include a diversity of people from varying backgrounds.

Sometimes A and B run counter to one another, and that is where things can get messy, but in time and with a lot of effort it can be possible for both to co-exist. But both sides need to be patient with one another that mistakes will be made. However, if mistakes are made and there is no wish to correct, then that is when consequences occur.

In the end I'm glad we agree that there was lost potential here.


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