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The little-known furry connection was the topic of a piece I did. There was a short one here too. I think it was treated with silence because nobody wants to be connected to that. Which can make problems worse, such as causing contributing factors to be downplayed and ignored in the build up to future horrible things. The worst things happen behind turned backs.

The "all media is National Enquirer" propaganda is on full blast right now for the Fullerton story. Some people said such stuff to my face, but then they could only do an "I CAN'T HEAR YOU" thing when I debated that Vice got an Ursa nomination for their great coverage of the gas attack at MFF. They were like "I bet nobody read that" (lots did???) I was contacted today by that Vice journalist asking for assistance about Fullerton, which will be a story whether furs speak honestly or treat it like something to hide.

Calling everything "fake news" is how fake news won at least in the short term. It's good times for anti-intellectualism.


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