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Hey, we already had our fill of complaints about the star system last month. Try again next year. He was literally, literally not involved in any controversy detailed in this article. Joined the Raiders after any controversy they had and was dead for the "controversy" of people making tasteless jokes and other people going "ew why would you do that" and then people trying to make it into a left vs right thing.

It's...not inside information. I already said he came to peoples' attention because of it, as it was made public. If it hadn't nobody would have known he was a Raider or even...existed. It's public info that honestly Sonious probably knew seeing as he's said he "knew" the guy. And my criticism isn't even that he chose not to include that specific information, it's that he, again, prioritized his own opinion on something/someone he has no connection to over that of people who do, for better or worse of those peoples' views. His own opinion is given its own section roughly equal in length to the entirety of the discussion of others' views. If you're gonna defend him on the basis of relevancy explain to me how his grandstanding is more "relevant" to this story than the section above it?


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