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I only skimmed all that but the fact other news sites only reported on his passing and not on his life is my literal point, if you're gonna do it then do it right. You're talking both sides of your mouth here, saying he didn't make a story about his life at the same time as saying he did and that I'm being unfair for criticizing it.

You mention if he'd been known for organizing a convention, well the guy only came into anyone's attention really because he was involved with an attempt by the Raiders to start a convention and hide their involvement until after it took place in an attempt to change peoples' minds about them (which is what those "threatening" Tweets were about). I'm not sure that it's still a plan but there's definitely furry-related stuff to report on this guy, more furry related than Sonious inflating how much he will "remember" this guy to report on his "legacy" in his own mind so that we will all know his super-important opinion on something that will never actually affect him.


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