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I still think what you are requesting in (1) is not really furry news. A story about someone who has died is really only relevant to the furry readership to the extent that the person did or did not do things of some import or relevance within the community. If I wanted to read about this individual's personal life outside of their furry-related activities, I would go find a normal obituary in their local paper or attend their funeral. Those are the places where people are going to simply discuss their personal life outside of furrydom. However, I just don't see how that is news to the general furry community. I'm not saying that that information is totally uninteresting, and I would suspect that if someone was interested enough in this person's life beyond their furry activities they could scour the internet to find this info. But for a site like this, it seems like whatever is being put forth should have some "newsworthy" value for furries.

Consider for example the articles put forth by the mainstream press about the accident that caused the person's death. Those articles operate on a similar question of "newsworthiness," but just for the general public. I read four different articles (which are linked here) to see if any of them talked about anything other than the way that the individual died. The only thing included other than the facts about his death was a comment that he was an Ohio person who moved to SC.

None of the people who wrote those articles went and interviewed his friends and family to learn of his personal life or whether he was, for example, in culinary school. In other words, the only things that were newsworthy to the mainstream press were: (i) a certain type of accident occurred on this bridge, (ii) one man died, (iii) his name, and (iv) that he was a transplant to that area. So we would ask the same question, what is newsworthy to furry news? In this situation, the only thing beyond the mainstream press's reporting that is newsworthy to furry news is that this individual was in fact a furry and was involved in a group that is controversial in the furry community. Whether he was also in culinary school, or where he went to high school, or who he was dating, or where he worked, or... as I noted above, any negative information that might be learned about his non-furry life through a more in depth investigation... information like this is not generally furry news. So that's why I'm not understanding why you are saying it needs to be in a furry news article.

For your point (2), as indicated, I do think the controversy is the only real furry news here. The article presents the controversy and presents the reactions of Furry raiders and their allies, and those who are against furry raiders. Some of those reactions are offensive, and the article notes the offensive nature of those responses, but a reader could make their own decision about the reactions as the links are provided in the article. The article then ends with a section of Sonious putting forth his views on how the person's death was tragic due to the fact that we (i.e. furries on the internet) will only remember him for his negative association and the manner of his death.

Again, if he had also been known in our community for organizing a convention or being a talented artist or writer who's work was beloved, or setting up a furmeet, or helping furs who were in trouble, then that's what would be in the article. Or, if he was such a dedicated worker with habitat for humanity for example, and he raised money for them in a fursuit, or he promoted them at furry events or on his FA page, that would be in the article.

However, the biggest thing furry-related that we know about this individual was that he was a member of the furry raiders. That's it. You are saying Sonious should not have included so much of his opinion of this individual and should have instead gotten opinions of those close to him. I don't really understand why that should be on Sonious. He is the one writing this article. If those people want to write an article, they certainly have that power, and they could say whatever they want about him. I think Sonious' opinions were fairly nuanced here. He didn't go into all of this individual's troubling statements, which certainly would have been possible.

For example, out of curiosity, I went through this person's Twitter feed and yes, he did throw around the N word, indicated he had issues with black people, talked about his shotgun being shoved up someone's behind and the trigger being pulled, and mentioned that he hated all of humanity and wished for all humans to be eradicated.

There were also a few tweets where he seemed to indicate that Foxler had something big planned that would affect the furry community (e.g. "I know Foxler's true intentions" "ya'll will care soon" "I know what is to come").

I really have no idea what he was referring to there, but to be honest it is at least a little bit threatening. Now, to be fair, if you go to his most recent tweets he does indicate some kind of apology for his outbursts:

But this is my point. I'm sure if you went and did a more in depth expose on this individual, you would find a lot more... His twitter feed actually probably is relevant to furries since he is mostly talking about the furry raiders and having it out with people over that, but I think based on what is in those tweets, I don't think a more personal investigation into his life would cast him in a particularly good light. So I don't think Sonious' brief article with a short statement about the tragedy of being remembered for an armband and the way one died was really unfair to this person, and I think general discussions about redemption within the community are also appropriate in that regard.


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