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There's a couple things at work here.

The first issue is, why is this story relevant to the readers of this site, none of whom probably knew this guy and all of whom are simply members of the furry community? Well, it is only relevant in the same way that a story about the passing of a Convention volunteer or chairperson is relevant. Like, for example, the person involved in MFF who died in a car accident on the way back from the con. Basically, those people have some presence in the furry community due to their deeds in the community, and so their passing has some interest to us. In the case of those involved in facilitating a con, we think of their deeds as good for the community. We really don't know them personally though, so we have little knowledge about how good they truly were in other areas. We simply know that they had a positive reputation in the general furry community due to their deeds in the community. This same reasoning would apply to someone who passed and all the community knows about them is their association with something that is a big and controversial issue in the community. Whatever your personal opinion of the furry raiders, they are a controversial group and I think the facts would show that they do not enjoy a good reputation in the community.

So again, this type of article will likely have relevance to us furies if we either have someone who passed and was known for a good thing in the community, or someone who has passed and is known for something that is at least perceived by a majority of the community as being negative. That's really the only thing that is of import to the average reader in my opinion. So this type of article wouldn't be of too much use to the average reader of this site if instead of focusing on one of those two larger themes, it simply noted that a furry person died and they had loving fiends and family. Furry people are dying all the time, and most will have at least some friends and family.

Again, I think this is only "news" because of the negative controversy, in the same way it would only be news if he had helped found or run a convention. So thats why I think it makes sense that the story focuses on the furry controversy info - that is the only thing that is news for furries. I'm sure there will be local obituaries for him that will discuss the non-furry aspect of his life and he will probably have a loving funeral by his family, who probably have no knowledge about any of the furry raider stuff or any controversies he was involved in. But that type of story would have no relevance to the general furry public who only knows that he was a member of the furry raiders and said some bad things.

So that's why I don't think it's fair to demand Sonious investigate this guy's personal life and relationships before posting this article, because that stuff isn't really relevant to a furry news site. What is relevant is what is discussed in the article. And at the end of the day, that's why I agreed it is tragic, because among most of our community, he will just be known for his armband and how he died.


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