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Not quite sure who other than me is likely to read this and be able to even provide information.

"Questions: Was the entirety of At Cheryl's rented, or just the House, if there was not enough room for all 16 to sleep? What were any activities?"

We had an entire house rented. I don't remember if there were other houses nearby that fell under the same management or not. I don't remember how many stayed in each location. There were activities. I'm going purely from memory now but people did go to two different shopping centres, there was a trip up Signal Hill and a projector for Guitar Hero and movies. I'm pretty sure we went to other places as well but I can't remember.

"Questions: Is there an exact address for the venue? Did any of the 14 attendees sleep over, or were they all day visitors?"

I'm not going to share exact addresses (although his gran has since passed away) but it was in the Blue Water Bay suburb. Everyone from outside of PE stayed there (the majority of people). Maybe even some of the local furs too but there were two or three that stayed at their own home and weren't there all the time.

"Questions: Who are the organizers?"

Ivic_Wulfe, Scratch, Valerion, Yukon, YoteFox

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~


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