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I am working on an article now for Dogpatch Press that is a followup to my & Rakuen Growlithe's discussions about South African furmeets/conventions. Here is what I have so far.

1. 12-16 December 2008
Cape Town (suburb of Table View)
Organizer: Dracius
Venue: “At Cheryl’s” (a rented holiday house)
Attendance: 16
Notes: At Cheryl’s, 50 & 55 Circle Road, Table View; a self-catering accommodation holiday house. House, Cottage, Cabana, Condo, or Den available separately.
Some attendees had to sleep in a separate renting guest house because of space limitations.
Questions: Was the entirety of At Cheryl's rented, or just the House, if there was not enough room for all 16 to sleep? What were any activities?

2 7-15 January 2011
Port Elizabeth
Organizers: Nanukk, Electrocat, Cat147
Venue: Nanukk’s grandmother’s house
Attendance: 14
Activities: The meet was very relaxed and consisted of about an equal amount of time getting to know each other around the house and going out to see various sites in the city. Some of the main events that had been organised were going to a Karaoke bar, visiting a lion park (cut short when one of the cars got a flat tire) and a visit to a museum (with a behind-the-scenes tour), snake park and aquarium.
The highlight of the meet was when three furs dressed up in fursuits made by Electrocat and spent the evening at a local shopping centre. The suits created a lot of attention, and some questions from curious onlookers, when walking around but had the biggest effect on the children. Half of the children found the suits fascinating while the other half were terrified, freezing in place or bursting into tears at the sight of them. The day was then finished off by playing putt-putt in the fursuits, a game which Nanukk won.
Questions: Is there an exact address for the venue? Did any of the 14 attendees sleep over, or were they all day visitors?

3 14-17 July 2017 (planned)
Venue: Magalies Retreat
Notes: Krugersdorp is equidistant to Pretoria and Johannesburg, convenient to both.
The ZA Furries site is coordinating carpooling from Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Pretoria; the cities and the JHB and PTA airports.
The Magalies Retreat booking includes accommodation for up to 48 furs, catering, dining hall, conference area, private deck, private pool, private boma and many on-site activities!
Full attendance which includes all meals and accommodation is R1500. There are separate rates for day visitors.
Questions: Who are the organizers?

Any further information will be welcomed. My article is planned for after the July 14-17 meeting, so that details can be added.

Fred Patten


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