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*facepalms* This is the fandom I have been in for 25 years? Really? FFS people. What ever happened if you don't have anything nice to say KEEP YER FUCKING TRAP SHUT! Goddamned folks.. honestly. People have gotten too big for their britches and think that they speak for all of us (*cough* 2 *cough) sorry.. I am allergic to bullshit.

The thing that irks me the most that people proclaim that they have a right to share your opinion. Sure.. you have a right if you OWN the webpage that you're on. If you don't own it you have privileges on said site. ABUSE those privileges and guess what.. it gets taken away. And then you can while like an entitled three year old that you are about how they're censoring your free speech. Um. No they're not. They just don't want to deal with your self righteous, self entitled bullshit.

There. I am done with this. I am SERIOUSLY considering of doing a negan cosplay.. the only reason so I can make a Lucille. And if you don't know what that is.. google it.


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