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So how's this posting vapid bumper sticker tier quotes working for you? Feel like a succesful intellectual yet?

Seriously your persistence would be admirable if it wasn't tragic for how misplaced it is. This coming from an artist and avid reader who has been reading bits and pieces of your writing for years because some of your ideas could have been great. It is painful to think how much you could have accomplished in life if only you had learned actual rational thinking and self criticism instead of continuously caving in to the vicious impulses to "win" arguments by twisting definitions and denying ever being wrong. It is really, really painful. It's like watching the chains of Ebenezer Scrooge growing longer and longer every day while he can't see them.

You could have been a true intellectual with a vast culture reaching far beyond the narrow world of fandoms. You could have easily seen what was wrong with your literary writings and fixed it from the very beginning, and now you would be the one reviewed by Flayrah and DP as an influential furry writer. You could have been the one running an influential furry news service. Hell, given your persistence you could probably have ended up working on the script of the next Zootopia right now. You could be fighting stress with confidence instead of despair. And instead here you are, acting smug and answering to a wholesome attempt to talk like adults by posting memes. For fuck's sake this is almost unbearable to watch. This is your life. There won't be another one after it. It is not too late to fix at least some of the mistakes. Why does it have to crash like this?


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