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Something just hit me this afternoon on my way home from work. All of this, the 4 videos and the 100+ comments are over just 1 comment. How can I even take this seriously, I ask you all a question would you go this ballistic if someone took one of your comments down on social media? The answer is no as it sounds to me as quite quite totally insane. Think about this all of this is about 1 comment on what some here has said is a nothing blog. It's a 1 man operation, and I do this because I enjoy it and nothing said here is going to stop me. Personally I rate this the same when someone sent me 1800 spams over an article they did not like, of the one who made death threats to me when I spoke about furry web comics, and they were mad that I didn't include Peanuts by Charles Schultz. I am not joking both of which are true.

But since nobody really cares about my side I figure since this is the last post I will make on this site. Before making my account public domain, yes I plan on posting my login info on social media.

#1 Changes to the article.
I had the author's permission, and anything I wrote I just changed my mind. I been doing this for years.

#2 Why was certain things changed in the article, for example names and sites.
On 3 counts 1st the author changed her mind on some points and the other was 2 parties objecting to their inclusion in the article. One is an actual friend of the author, the other is a mod here who threatened me with a C&D that is a cease and desist in case you didn't know if I did not take this sites name off of the article. I am not saying the name all because what has been said to me and I assure you it was a mod.

#3 why do I put a time limit on posting comments
It's also the same reason I approve every comment. SPAM, and of course trolls. 90% of my comments come from spammers and trolls. You make light of this but it's true. Or explain away why I only have 84 comments on my entire blog and I been around almost 10 years.

#4 Last the net result
Some hardcore and honest facts. My number of daily views are up slightly, the amount of comments are down, and that is because I am posting nothing controversial on purpose. Got 3 today from a company promising to increase my traffic. Meanwhile on social media, only 1 very minor complaint. That was on Twitter and they were miffed at me.

#5 Open Invitation
My contact info is listed on my blog and if anyone here has something they like to say as long it contains no messages of hate. I will post it. That ends the 1st amendment argument. I always had this same offer since I started and almost no one has ever taken advantage of it.


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