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Ahmar Commented on my Youtube and I responded:

But please as the one who was featured in that Furry Times video at least keep your reporting honest. You are nailing my hide to the wall because I would not allow a comment I thought was filled with hate on my blog, yes that is what this is about. You are clearly taking sides and no reporter, at least a so called honest one ever does period. -Ahmar

I presented the comment you claim was filled with hate on the video in question and I will leave it to others to assess whether it was or not. I assure you it was not, it was an assessment of the comment I was replying to. If you would kindly quote the part of the comment you felt was hateful then I can update my finding with notes on which phrasing you find unacceptable and will censor.

In this way your users will know what will be censored so they can avoid the mistake in the future.

You had an opportunity to address me in private in response to the twitter DM I had sent to you at the end of the second video in which I asked why the comment was not showing up. This DM at this time has still not been responded to. Therefore, I can only conclude that you are making this public statement to try and paint things in your favor and claiming it was a statement of hate.

Thanks for calling me a reporter though, I don't fully see myself as one quite yet. I'm just a roo-kie.


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