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No, I'm pointing out that you're making two contradictory arguments in two different threads. Which is a dumb thing to do. When I point out in the Nazi imagery subthread that today's problems might have something to do with how we acted in the past, your reply is, and I quote:

I don't see this as a natural progression, but a manufactured one.

When I point out, in this subthread about furry outrage, where I point out that today's problems might have something to do with how we acted in the past, your reply is, and I once again quote:

Looks like it has blossomed into something truly horrific

See, these two things contradict each other, because you want us to believe this outrage thing is a big problem, and this Nazi thing is not, and it hurts your argument if both have been around a while "blossoming", or both are overblown, "manufactured" problems. So, you have chosen to downplay the Nazi thing, and then, to top it off, pretended that it's unfair of me to pay attention and reply to the entire comment section, and all of your posts in it, rather than the one part that makes you look good.

Meanwhile, my point has remained consistent; this shit is old news. ConFurence ended in shambles almost two decades ago; conventions come, and they go. On the individual level, yes, RMFC being cancelled is going to suck for some people. But the truth is, on the fandom level, whether it was the Nazis or the anti-Nazis doesn't really matter because ten years is actually a pretty good run, and if you can be taken down by either group (or vandalism, like RainFurrest, or drunken sex, like Oklacon) you were probably on the way out, anyway.


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