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There are no "perpetually outraged". Your ignorant babble about how nobody made a big deal about right-wingy types is half true, actually, in the sense that nobody bought what they were selling before. (Hence the Burned Furs going nowhere, and the collapse of ConFurence when it was sold to Burned Fur Darrel Exline and people stopped going and the hotel wasn't booked and the contract made a financial hole too big to repair.)

No, they had to go way out of their way to provoke. As you can see with old, far right wing Burned Furs teaming up with younger 4chan nazifur types right now for trolling. And ones like Casey Hoerth AKA "the furred reich", (the guy using a Hitler avatar on FA,) who was actually a professional campaigner for Trump. This is the kind of agitating asshole you're apologizing for.

There is no "rise" of offended people opposing them from trolling. There are people speaking up about toxic behavior tbat's incompatible with fandom. They have been in fandom for decades and know much more about this than you. Step back , close your mouth and pay attention.


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