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Interesting. Yeah I really don't know much about the Furry Raiders or the Furzi, thanks for that piece of info regarding them.
But I was actually considering it in a more general sense, I can see where some furs have issues with the Furry Raiders (though I suspect Foxler is trolling people too easily tweaked, he's feeding off that outrage... we've seen plenty of examples of that in the fandom before, off the top of my head I remember Sibe getting a kick out of his detractors' rage) though I think it's odd to go as ballistic as they have in response.
But I think we are seeing, and will see to a greater degree, outrage at a lot of things which were previously seen as minor or insignificant - again per my previous example, the whole string of hate towards a convention theme.

Going back to my previous comment, I think the outrage industry has grown based on support from groups who think they can channel that rage. But... who knows. In terms of the fandom itself, at least the growing rage I've been seeing online is fairly disturbing. I can't be the only one who worries about that, right?


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