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So yesterday I became aware of the furry outrage over the upcoming halloween/horror Furpocalypse convention having the audacity of planning to use the theme of Haunted Ayslum with badge levels including Electro-Shock Technician and Lobotomist. Apparently this triggered a lot of furs who started claiming things such as the convention is mocking people with mental issues to claiming they're endorsing things like gay conversion therapy. At least on Twitter it sounds like a number of people are going to boycott the convention, a number of others are pleading or threatening the convention to change the badge levels.

So... yeah, to me it seems like the fandom is slipping into full crazy that is going to sabotage things like conventions and probably turn groups against each other. What's next, a convention theme condemned because of "cultural appropriation"?

How is it that we're getting to the point where adults who still watch cartoons, dress up in animal costumes, and enjoy a lot of weird stuff not having a sense of humor?


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