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Let's put the karma thing in a way that's easier to understand since there is some confusion on it.

If you only show up to debate controversial things then you're going to have worse karma then if you comment on ALL the things.

That's it, that's the secret.

I mean, I obviously don't see the system as "broken" or "negative" since I am clearly benefiting from it, so obviously that could be argued that. I think Green kind of is a bit too much in love with it, but he created the algorithm and it's a syndrome most algorithm creators have.

But I will say that a lot of people who complain about the karma system tend to be the ones who only show up to share their opinions on things that are controversial, and nothing else. And maybe they too have an addiction to reading too much into the numbers as well and start acquiring a scarlet letter syndrome from it. They want to receive (or don't care really) if they receive one star votes and as much as possible so that they can start claiming with pride at how many one stars they get, and so they are a rebel or what not. This sort of inversi-behavior is not something that I believe Green accounted for in their algorithms, but it is an inevitability on numbered systems.

I'm sure you're going to find some people who pride themselves on how low their credit score is after they are shamed about it enough. Despite having the low credit score leaves them at a financial disadvantage.

But at the end of the day, that's the secret to the karma system. There are people who are fair whether fans sure, but there also seems to be those that are unfair whether fans who just comes around when they want to play devil's advocate on topics of debate. Maybe talk on articles you enjoy instead of the ones you loathe. Engage not only when you want to bitch and whine, but also during the mediocre times, or sunny days as well.


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