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I'm afraid you're going to have to explain how you define self-control. I'm an intellectual writer trying to convey serious ideas. I spend hours composing this stuff, trying to make difficult ideas clear. In general I don't cuss people out. I try to respond to the most intense mocking with a bit of humor rather than vitriol, but nobody here seems capable of cracking a smile, let alone considering the possibility that they might be wrong about something. And even when I'm trying to agree and be magnanimous, there is no friendliness here at all.

I have lived on this Earth more than twice as long as these idiots who are mocking me. I've been told I'm a person of some writing skill and worthwhile insight. I'm accustomed to being respected, at least for that much. Under the circumstances, you have never seen self-control such as I have displayed here. And I doubt very much you will ever see it again.


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