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Well, it might. A faded parent does impact its children's visibility; it's equal to a single vote of the parent's final score, including the modifications from its parent and the poster's average rating.

A folded comment is equivalent to a vote of 2 or less - but without further votes, such a parent only causes a child to fold if the child poster's average rating is also in the vicinity of 2.

Most users have an average rating of 3 or above, which means their replies will never start folded, even with the worst possible parent. This gives them the chance to salvage problematic threads, if they see fit. A top-level comment also has the equivalent of a vote of 3, so it'll only fold instantly if your average rating is 1. (Beware, though, as making poor top-level comments is a great way to lower your rating.)

As for context - yes, sometimes. But often, good comments stand alone; and if not, the others are just a click away.


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