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Dog Patch Press by Patch O Fur has banned from commenting for the one time I dare to question his vision for the fandom. My response is no sweat off my back I got my own furry blog. I do not need to cast pearls among the swine.

What furry news is doing is not censorship. Only government can censor and is exclusively prohibited by the 1st amendment of the US Constitution. Private sites property like Flayrah, Furry News, and Dog Patch press do not come under the 1st amendment and are free to set commenting policy and remove comments on their site even though it may or may not hurt their reputation. In this case, I cannot blame them. What RooView is doing is borderline harassment or just being a big pain I am guilty of this myself; due to lack of civility I disabled all comments on my Word Press blog, you can create your own blog.

There is a bigger problem with theses “news” sites; these sites were good for review furry media and events but their crusades to reform the fandom in their image have pushed the fandom off the rails. Fury fandom is about the love of art, literature, costuming, and role-playing involving anthropomorphic animals. Furry not about some persons immature, self-centered, trigged, safe space, feelings because somebody is wears, armband, and that has nothing to do with Nazis. If one does not 2 the ranting Griffin, performances, for example, do as I do by not attending. When I joined the fandom in 2006, I was aware there is a lot I object to, from pornography, fetishism and cub furs. I realize I do not have to go to their events or buy their media and still be a fury. I do not need to go on a half-cocked crusade of personal attacks. Now we have individuals with their own agenda tearing the fandom apart.

It time the fury fandom get back to cartoon animals than politics of persona destruction. It perhaps time to evaluate do these new sites, and ask are these news sites are a benefit or a determent to the fandom. I feel much of the drama is 50% person and 50% news bloggers continuing the fan the flames. It is time to ignore, these amateur efforts like Flayrah, Dog Patch Press, World in RooView, and Furry Times and a host of YouTube blogs as being more destructive to the fandom. If somebody objects to some expression, that person needs to deal with it or time to leave the fandom and do so quietly.


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