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If you had turned it on, you wouldn't have known what I posted. but that's fine.

you said I talked shit. guess what honey:

-you are a member of the furry raiders
-you were President of the sunreavers
-you did post my private facebook page and my amazon to this site.

none of that is talking shit or telling lies. I know you think you're above reproach and your shit doesn't stink? People who live on bullshit mountain typically do. But you're just like the rest of us. I pity you, Perri. I truly and honestly do. Your mother is sick, you feel trapped, etc and yet you're here rustling up the natives and causing problems instead of taking care of her and yourself. You call everyone that doesn't agree with you a terrorist (which is hyperbole) and whine about non-existent antifas (fyi, until you mentioned that name I'd never heard of them. now i'm proud you'd call me that because fighting fascism is as American as apple pie, mom and Captain America!) instead of taking care of her and yourself.

you whine and moan about your disrespect. you want a clue why you're posts don't show up when you're not logged in? because everyone and their mother are downvoting them you want to know why? because everyone's sick of you and your kvetching about censorship that doesn't exist and other bullshit items.

you know, I was angry at Greenreaper and Equivamp at first on that other thread. Why? because i kept myself private for the most part. my facebook was only for family, i'd never gotten around to making one under my female name because I didn't know if anyone would add me and I couldn't tell my family because they'd just ridicule me and hate me. I was mad at Equivamp for disclosing my twitter page because I had finally found my fursona after 18+ years in the fandom and was happy to have a name to reflect that.

but then I thought about it, talked to Equi more and realized that the person I should have been mad at was you. The single greatest thing you did do was take away an identity. you made me below human, in your eyes to prove a point. but the truth is? you just wanted me destroyed so i'd not stand in opposition to you. yiu did the same thing you claimed the people you aren't did to the Jews, to the homosexuals, to the gypsies, to the disabled and to everyone that wasn't those people but wasnt' like them either.

You picked the tiger to mess with, lil bun bun. Because I stand resolute against you and the Raiders ten thousand percent.

See? I kvetched too. and it'll be downvoted. and that's fine.

but you aren't censored here, Perri. and you aren't talked shit about. go take care of yourself and stop trying to fight an imaginary fight.


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