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Hey guys. I just looked at this page on another computer where I wasn't signed in, and I have to say, I love how it looks like I was never here.

The shy part of me thinks that is really great, because I know that later I'm going to feel self-conscious as hell about posting here. So it's kind of nice to know anything I post will be instantly hidden. But, the thought occurs to me to wonder what this is going to look like to any visitors peeking in on this situation. Don't you think it's going to seem just a little hypocritical to have everyone that's visible ragging on Furry Times for censoring comments, when it's quite obvious some folks are just as censored over here?

Also, I fully expect this is someday going to happen to someone like Sonious, who won't hesitate to make a stink about it and call you out for what this karma system really is, a weapon for anyone who has some interest in seeing that a conversation looks one sided.

Also a note for Kylie and Anon. I turned on block visitors when I first posted. Whatever you've been saying I've not been seeing. Gotta admit, knowing you're talking s--t to the wind more than makes up for being censored.


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