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Mr. Wolf made his rebuttal post here:

Was thinking about just block-quoting the whole thing, but I respect the idea of copy rights and believe if people want to read such things they could go there.

He spends like two paragraphs talking about his interpretation of the article. The rest basically, all I can say is, man you need to learn how to "plead the 5th". Don't bring up all the controversies you had in your history. Your issue with your previous hired writer have nothing to do with the conversation we are having. The same as Patch's legal issue that was commented on here. They have nothing to do with the current conversation which is about furry community news organizations and their uses of censorship.

When I see you bringing up all this mud on yourself, and then claim the damage being done to you is being caused by others, it makes me realize you're doing more damage to yourself without you realizing you are doing so. You're literally stabbing yourself and then trying to scream that someone cut you. Perhaps you should take some time and take a step back and do some evaluation. What do I need to say? How do I need to say it? Is this grievance I have relative to the topic at hand?

Because this is actual advise, if you allow yourself to get hindered by the slights in your life and bring them up at every opportunity, even when the story doesn't call for it, you're not writing about story— you are indeed making yourself the story.

Bragging about numbers doesn't help either. Numbers are fickle. One day things may double. But the idea is do you keep going even when they drop? Because trust me, they are going to drop once all the buzz around this dies down. For example, the RMFC controversy caused my Youtube numbers to go up, and now that it has passed they dropped again. So if I only worried about numbers, then guess what? I'd want things that happened at RMFC to happen more often correct?

That's gross. You realize how gross that is right? If I could exchange the views I had for that video for there to have been a more peaceful resolution to the situation where a convention wasn't lost I would have gladly exchanged it for something as fickle as numbers.

But since you've stated multiple times the numbers are the most important things to you, then the question is: how far will you go to get them?

While I will agree this article does feature me posting about my own experiences with the site, so some could see it (and have seen it) as a 'selfish' article. The purpose of the article was as a 'buyers beware' type of item rather than personal anger at having my comments removed. To let others know that if they see a controversial article on your site that if they choose to comment on it, they may not be heard. Time is a very precious commodity and people want to use it to focus on things that won't be a waste of their time.

In that vain, I'll end with a compliment. At least you started your follow-up article with the reply section locked so there wasn't the illusion that community engagement is encouraged. I'd rather comments be locked than it being pseudo-locked. Best to have no one comment then some be heard and others literally waste their time.


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