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I admit I didn't read the footer. I assumed it was the standard "The opinions expressed in the above commentary are those of the author, and not necessarily those of The Furry Times." Which I was expecting, since Ahmar and I had an extreme difference of opinion on The Furry Raiders.

If it was my site I'd retract it with an apology. But it's not my site. And Ahmar seems too prone to take things the wrong way. So I don't want to be telling him what to do.

In future I highly doubt I will write for anyone's site but my own. If you look at the article as I present it on my own LJ, it's more than a commentary. It's an educational work of art. It walks the reader through everything I experienced that shaped my conclusions. I can't do that sort of thing on anyone else's site. Nor can I control how long they keep comments open, nor prevent them from tacking stuff I might or might not approve of onto my work.

He also lost about half of my paragraph breaks. But again I just decided to let it slide, because it would have been too tedious trying to get it fixed. I much prefer to do my own blogging so that I can fix mistakes or makes suggested changes instantly.

Really, every blogger is just as much a news service as anyone else. If I'm not getting paid to write for somebody else's blog, why am I giving away the views I could be generating for my own blog? That's the only pay one gets for being in the blog business.

I guess I did it this time just to help out a friend who seemed desperate for content. But from now on I'll produce things on my own blog and just let others link them. Assuming I continue to write blog commentaries. I'm not exactly liking where I see the fandom going. I don't expect I'll enjoy documenting it's downfall.


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