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Your comments have not been a waste of time to me as they do provide an insight into concerns that you have.

What is a waste of time is if someone made a comment for a site and then it was deleted before post.

This is what happened to me, which is why I felt it important to share. So others didn't waste their time like I had and would have their words censored.

And clearly according to the comments sections, I'm not the only one who had "wasted their time". Others also had their comments removed.

If Dog Patch does this as well then that is a shame, maybe one can follow my example and record these incidences and bring them forward so that people can address this.

We are an artistic community at heart, one that covers some adult ground, so censorship I think is an important topic to the community. Some may disagree with that, as is their right. But you didn't complain about it when Ahmar was throwing shade at Flayrah for 'committing censorship' particularly as a footer of your own article.


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