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So, 801 visits later, but, was scrolling through the, uh, Linkin Park videos, Watch Mojo lists, stuff that was old on r/Zootopia last year, and, uh, that's porn, there, wow, and the general valiant struggle against the English language that is "The Furry Times" and, hey, give the devil his due, this one's got a point.

Full disclosure: in my year(ish) in the wilderness, I submitted my top ten list to [a][s], and I got a very slow response (already just Twittered it), before a rejection (which was fair; it was a long shot, and not a good fit either topically or tonally with [a][s]). I wrote up a bit about Zootopia which was more fitted there, but I never got a response back; I didn't take that personally either, as Ahmar is about right here; we kind of have a dead shark on our hands.


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