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Atheism is a religious cult. And please don't waste my time with the ridiculous idea that an Atheist is just someone who doesn't believe in God. One does not require an ism, nor a label of any kind, to not believe in God. One needs merely to not give a flip. And one who does not give a flip does not bother sticking any kind of label on himself, let alone an ism that entails prescribed forced believes in a scientifically invalid idea that something which can not be proven one way or the other does not exist.

Antifa are not anti-Nazi at all. They are in the business of actively creating Nazis where none existed, because they can not exist without them. Just as Xydexx was, and for all I know still is in the business of actively creating Burned Furs. Plus, ask anyone who knows anything about Antifa but is not part of the cult who the real Nazis are. They'll point you right back at Antifa.


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