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Apologies if Flayrah did not actually threaten to sue The Furry Times. This is just what I heard from Ahmar, and because of his head injury, he seems to have a tendency to exaggerate things in his mind...

That's someone I want to get news from... We already have a president in the US that does this, I think that's more than enough of that.

In the third video I noted that he was in over his head after reading his reasoning for locking his comment. After hearing about the fear he has over social engagement I would triple down on that assessment. There was actually a line I had removed from the article in regards of "If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen" but I felt it was a bit judgmental, he should have the right to run a blog. As long as he realizes that is what it is.

But he's kind of wearing his heart on his sleeve for his goals. He's trying to take political advantage of the situation to get people who are writers to jump ship to his site, and apparently failed to do so. (Fred Patten, yourself, etc). He literally put up a news-byte saying he was linking himself to get himself more views. He also has several articles where he randomly bitches about how poor this pays.

I mean, yeah, it doesn't pay well at all, but I'm not going to bring that up in an article unrelated. And not getting paid isn't an excuse for poor quality if one is passionate about it.

But I'll just see it as that, a blog.

If he wants us to leave him alone, then I would ask that he no longer posts anything on his site as a newsbyte source. That's what got our attention, and so taking a break from that will probably lower the stress.


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