That usage may be blurred by the fact that, in smaller fan publications, the singular editor is the staff.
I agree that this piece tends more towards personal opinion. It did not emerge from our equivalent of an editorial board - it was something Sonious came up with. That said, I did have the usual editorial input, and I also agree in principle with the concept of open commenting (though I might not have written three pages on it if I didn't get it elsewhere…).
We're in a somewhat peculiar situation because Flayrah now has several editors, and there is an argument that any one might post "an editorial". It's also meant to represent a range of views within the community, rather than having a philosophical bent – although some would probably still say it's biased towards my views, if only through our liberal polices on publication and moderation.
And a bonus fact: in the UK, general "news" is often far more editorial, both in selection and in tone. The broadsheets may attempt to preserve the editorial/op-ed page, but even there it tends to leak through.
That usage may be blurred by the fact that, in smaller fan publications, the singular editor is the staff.
I agree that this piece tends more towards personal opinion. It did not emerge from our equivalent of an editorial board - it was something Sonious came up with. That said, I did have the usual editorial input, and I also agree in principle with the concept of open commenting (though I might not have written three pages on it if I didn't get it elsewhere…).
We're in a somewhat peculiar situation because Flayrah now has several editors, and there is an argument that any one might post "an editorial". It's also meant to represent a range of views within the community, rather than having a philosophical bent – although some would probably still say it's biased towards my views, if only through our liberal polices on publication and moderation.
And a bonus fact: in the UK, general "news" is often far more editorial, both in selection and in tone. The broadsheets may attempt to preserve the editorial/op-ed page, but even there it tends to leak through.