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I think Ahmar made an error in his statement below my commentary. It is actually Dogpatch Press that is not allowing me to respond to s—t that is being said about me over there. If anything I think I should thank Flayrah for allowing me more free speech than was perhaps wise to take advantage of.

I have no problem at all with the comment karma system here. If I have a problem with anything in that regard it's that I can't delete my comments if I have an attack of social anxiety and want to withdraw from public view. The karma system and the tendencies of certain people here to vote me down no matter what I say affords me some shelter for my shyness, which I quite appreciate. Plus, it makes it necessary for those who want to see the alternative view to actually go clicking for it, which is efficacious for the readers that don't want to think, and healthy for those that do.

I was not aware that Ahmar had turned off comments on my commentary. I certainly was having no problem with the comments I was seeing. But Ahmar has not been feeling well of late. He may have had to stop comments for health reasons, or something of that nature. He is recovering from a head injury, and if the comments he was getting were particularly hateful, that might have caused him detrimental anxiety that he felt necessary to withdraw from.

But Furry Times is not the only place my commentary can be commented on. The commentary is also on my Live Journal site, complete with references, suggested corrections from readers and an interesting exchange with Flayrah's own Equivamp in the comment section, which will remain open for further comment indefinitely. The page can be accessed here.

Hmmm. The article Sonious linked doesn't say why Ahmar shut down comments on my commentary. It just says he moderates comments and doesn't pass any through that merely throw hate at himself or the author of whatever content he's posting. I see nothing unreasonable about this, as that is his right as the owner of the site.

Though it is not necessarily something I would do on any of my own sites. I write commentaries for the purpose of stimulating discussion, and as you've seen here, I don't believe in wasting troll posts that offer an excuse to explore another angle of the subject. Plus, if I wasn't prepared to deal with hate, I would not be posting on the net at all, as someone will hate you, no matter what position you take on any topic.

About the legal issues he speaks of, that actually does have to do with the very unsporting act of Flayrah threatening to sue Ahmar just for mentioning this site in the article. This caused him to censor my commentary in an almost comically ineffective way, which I didn't find objectionable. But again, that is not something I would do on my own site. If I want to tell my readers about something that happened at Flayrah, I'll not only say it happened on Flayrah, but link to it as well. And, of course, I afford Flayrah the same courtesy to mention my sites and link to them all they want, without fear of legal action. Not that there is anything in this common net behavior that one could actually sue over, but apparently Ahmar is not aware of that.

Apologies if Flayrah did not actually threaten to sue The Furry Times. This is just what I heard from Ahmar, and because of his head injury, he seems to have a tendency to exaggerate things in his mind, particularly where threats are concerned. But I think it can at least be safely assumed that something that was said by Flayrah's representative gave Ahmar a panic attack, and that is what's fueling the item Sonious linked.

I apologize personally to Sonious for his responses being blocked. If I'd known it was him being censored I would have invited him to return to our old stomping ground of Live Journal sooner. Since I am enduring the same humiliation at Dogpatch, I know just how bad it feels to be silenced like that.

I certainly don't see anything hateful in what Sonious is attempting to post. However, it is possible that Sonious may have been marked as a hater because of his ultimatum to Foxler on YouTube, which totally crossed the line of respect for human rights. But that seems a long shot to me, as I don't even know if Ahmar saw that exchange.

My subsequent commentaries on Furry Times haven't been archived at LJ yet, but I will be putting them there as soon as possible so that comments may be posted.

I did discuss the use of the word “Zealot” with Equivamp on LJ, and from that discussion I decided no one who wasn't there observing the ongoing war between Zydexx and Ash M Cairo (who was running Burned Fur 2 at the time) is ever going to understand why I refer to both of them as being zealots for keeping the war going, long after there was any relevance to it.

I replaced it with the term “Obsessive,” though a more appropriate term might be “Fanatic.” But those are not really any easier to understand.

It really didn't matter which side either of them was on. They were part of a contingent in the fandom that was insisting that everyone still had to take a position on the issues, which would have no other consequence but to decide which side they would be attacked by. Thus, a Burned Fur zealot at that time was not someone on one side or the other, but one who insisted you had to take a side.

Sonious was there at the time, and he may or may not remember the Bananar account Xydexx created to troll me. It's linked in the LJ version of the commentary.

Yes, what happened to 2 Gryphon and RMFC were the result of terrorist attacks, and why this was a terrorist attack is actually the subject of the entire commentary. Basically I'm saying we owe this entire mess to the influence of The Antifa Furs, and Antifa is on the fast track to being labeled a terrorist organization. They have, in fact, enveloped the entire fandom in a state of terror.

That's why the commentary begins with the arrival of The Antifa Furs, and ends up summing the whole business up as the fandom selling itself out to a Communist terrorist group because of a phony Nazi scare.

What's more, I've heard that RMFC is not the only convention to be targeted for the same shut down tactics. The scuttlebutt is that Califur is the next likely target.

So, yeah, I'm not exaggerating about the terrorist thing. You don't need to drive a truck bomb into a building to create a state of terror that will destroy a con, or get a comedian fired. All it really takes is one well placed tweet, with enough people waiting to fan it into a devastating explosion.

As for if Burned Fur was a war, some quotes from the site of Simo, another oppressive Burned Fur obsessive/fanatic/zealot/never let this thing die kind of guy. “It was in Gallery #25 that Chandler issued his "declaration of war": the "Six Shallow Graves" editorial.” “After the publication of his editorial in Gallery, a nasty flame war broke out.” “To end the war, the Lifestylers and Fans worked out a mutually agreeable modus vivendi.” “Unfortunately, the peace would not last. It was the fall of 1998 and the Great Internet Furry Flame War was about to begin.” “Once a name became attached to Trotman's document, the flame war would erupt in full force. That name was "Burned Fur".”

Yes, it was a war – a flame war. It is referred to over and over again in historical accounts as “The Burned Fur War.” And yes, what we are involved in now is a similar type of war. But instead of fans vs, lifestylers, this time it's Antifa/SJW's vs. the fandom itself. And everyone in the fandom who doesn't get their news spoon fed to them by Dogpatch and Flayrah (who are not seen to be on the side of the fandom) knows it on some level.

Ok, 3 minutes into Sonious' 3rd video he starts in with the attacks. Not that I blame him for being angry. I was pretty pissed myself when this same thing happened to me at Dogpatch. But I can see how Ahmar might actually take Sonious' words and tone of voice as a death threat in his current state of mind, which I will give Sonious the benefit of the doubt that he did not know about, as I've only just learned about it myself. Though I have been suspecting something was wrong for some time now. And you can see by subsequent items on his site, I accidentally triggered him myself.

For the record, to suggest Ahmar is into defending The Furry Raiders would be extremely inaccurate. I've observed that he appears to be scared to death of them. What happened was that he asked me to join Furry Times as a writer, and this particular commentary was just the first thing I wrote after I agreed to his request. It should be clear that the opinions expressed in the commentary are mine, not Ahmar's. Thus he has no reason to be censoring responses simply because they run contrary to my position.

I think it is important to realize that, given the record number of views the commentary got, Sonious was probably only one of many trying to post responses, some of which were, in all likelihood, extremely hateful. Sonious may have gotten unjustly lumped in with others who were actually posting hate comments. Or maybe he felt allowing one comment from Sonious was enough. I don't know, and I'm not going to bother Ahmar at this point about it, as I fear he may be pushing his health to a dangerous level because of the sudden and unexpected increase of traffic and criticism of his site.

So, please, leave the guy alone so he can recover. And if you must be bugging somebody, please do come over to LJ and bug me. I'll be happy to receive all comments, positive or negative. Or, if you like, you may open a discussion of my commentary here. But if you link it or copy it, please use the LJ version with my linked references. The html formatted version is available upon request if it will save somebody some work.


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