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Well, if your against Nazi imagery, you've got a real problem. Because history is not going to go away, and people are not going to stop being interested in it as inspiration for stories and art. Especially now that your complaining about it has generated so much interest in it that wasn't there before.

Now that you've done this stupid s--t, there is going to be Nazi art everywhere. You and your lot have actually popularized it. It's going to be the pop-culture phenomenon of this age. They'll be selling Nazi arm bands at Hot Topic before this is done. It'll be the in thing to wear in protest of Antifa. It'll lose all sense of connection to WW2, and with it, all the horror and discomfort it holds for the public.

I hope you've got the number of a good psychiatrist. Because when Nazi imagery becomes commonplace, you're really going to need one.


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