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Maybe, if you were half as intelligent as me, you would have been smart enough to get inside The Furry Raiders Facebook group and see what actually goes on in there, rather than basing your opinions entirely on troll based evidence. But then, you'd probably just troll them anyway, not caring that the evidence they are a loving support group was staring you in the face. All that would matter to you is they won't accept dictates you have no right to force on them.

You hate The Furry Raiders because the concept of their group is to actively oppose the intolerant influences you and your Antifa ilk have poisoned The Furry Community with. It's highly likely the real purpose of the arm bands was just to attract your attention and get you to reveal your true nature. In which case I would say the tactic was highly successful.

I had serious doubts when they first came out with comments to the effect that there was a devastating movement of intolerance ruining the fandom. At first I thought they were the ones reviving the Burned Fur rhetoric. But you've shown me they were right, and that it is the Antifa that are waging a war against the tolerance of the fandom.

And The Furry Raiders are going to totally defeat you through passive resistance. They're just going to sit there and take it as you mercilessly beat on them until the rest of us get totally disgusted with watching it and kick your would-be totalitarian asses out, just like we did the Burned Furs before you.

That is my prophecy. Remember it when you find the fandom turning on you.


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