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He's probably about as old as you. He's obviously from that generation, or group of generations, that doesn't know anything but the most rudimentary aspects of history, thinks it's perfectly fine to base their entire view of society on their own under-educated views, and become a catalyst for turning society upside down by forcing their issues.

Fortunately Foxler's ideas are reasonably good. He's into things like equality, inclusiveness, artistic encouragement and general love and tolerance. Which seems pretty angelic when compared to his Antifa opposition who want to gag free speech, promote violence and generally terrorize the world into supporting their views.

And, yes, it doesn't matter if he wrote "I hate black people" in some context that is difficult to interpret in his (3rd grade is a good way to describe it) writing style. What matters is he's in a loving relationship with a black man. So his actions trump the statement.

Then there is your actions which have to be taken into consideration. You say you learned about WW2 6 times in middle school and high school. Yet you are today so clueless about what constitutes a Nazi that you think a gay half-breed Furry in a relationship with a black man and running a multiracial group for the promotion of equality and tolerance qualifies as one. And no amount of people telling you how incredibly freakin' stupid that is will get through to you in the least.

Nope, you both come from a generation that will not acknowledge any stupid thing you want to believe could be wrong, no matter how much proof of your stupidity is thrown in your faces.

For the record, Foxler is just as clueless as you. His view of The Furry Community as a place that was ever loving, tolerant and inclusive is total wishful thinking. I broke the ground this community sits on. And I can attest it was always a hotbed of conflict and intolerance where people were hated on by others and driven away.

So Foxler's cause is just as delusional as yours. The only thing I give him credit for is having his heart in the right place. He's not a would-be bigot searching desperately for something besides race to be able to lavish prejudice and hate on with impunity. But I highly suspect he is a bit of an imp who takes amusement in encouraging you to find what he calls "Easter eggs" all over the net, for the specific purpose of getting you to display to the world just how stupid and intolerant you can be.


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