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Now for the Youtube videos:

My own on the situation:

2's video on the situation:

As far as my response on 2's video, I will give him on a plus on being honest about how messed up and stupid the legal letter was (never mentioned its tie to sov-cits though).

Ironically he noted our article (at the 14:00 min mark) in a better light than DogPatch's, but he makes the humorously ironic observation that we're sensationalist (pots calling kettle black, anyone?)

He dismissed the tax thing as "the preferred explanation of those threatening violence." (For context he puts the Deo punch bit as the main catalyst of the conflict that lead to the inevitable closing, also falsly claiming she contacted the authorities/hotel to which in my conversation with her she denied doing this)

It's such a transparent political tactic of 2 to try and tie anyone pointing out are article as being tied with the those threatening violent. Well Deo was the only one who threatened to punch a Furry Raider, but now everyone citing the tax issue are now also threatening violence?

Guess words are really equal to violence these days. Citing tax code is equivalent to punching someone... huh.

Sensationalism, indeed.


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