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Oh, okay, so Foxler is a naive and/or mentally disabled manchild (sorry, child in a man's body) who not only doesn't know what Nazis are, he doesn't know that saying "I stand with Hitler" and saying he hates Black people is wrong, or that trying to convince underage girls to run away from their parents for him and sending them money to groom them is wrong, or wearing symbols intentionally designed to resemble a Nazi swastika is wrong, posing for photographs in a Nazi salute is wrong, being paid hundreds of dollars to stalk and "hunt down" people is wrong, French-kissing puppies is wrong, pretending that you were ignorant of how hating Black people and standing with Hitler is wrong while elsewhere claiming you're just "trolling" is wrong, pleading to known, public, unabashed white supremacists with no connection to the fandom or to him for support from people against white supremacy is wrong...the list goes on.

Jeez, seems like there's so much Foxler doesn't know. Maybe someone should tell him that he's doing things that are unconscionable. Then he could change his ways and apologize and not need you to defend him from my evil persecution of having never talked to the guy. Oh wait, people have. :/

merely bears the symbol of your own fandom

Sorry, not in the Nazi fur fandom.


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