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Records that are off center sound warped. I personally will never be found anywhere but in the center of anything. Beats me why anyone would think they could get a balanced perspective anywhere else.

Sunweavers is not anything like Alt-Right. If it was I wouldn't be living there. By the way, we found out your name redacted quotes about Muslims came from Zorro. He's notorious for saying offensive stuff and is often disciplined for it. He's hardly typical of the Sunweavers population. And judging the whole community by him would be like judging the entire user base of Flayrah by a low down dirty lying back-stabbing troll like yourself.

Sorry, I don't remember reading about WW2 in school at all. Like Foxler I hated history class. Learned most of what I know about it from documentaries after I got out of school. Most of what I remember trying to read in school was pre-WW2 history. I only know about WW2 because my father was into it and was always watching war movies. Foxler apparently had no one to stimulate interest in the subject. His hobbies and interests were more along tech lines. He never had an excuse in the world to worry about what a Nazi was. Believe it or not as you choose, but you can't prove otherwise. Just your word against his, and your word is mud at this point.


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