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"Always be yourself and never let anyone change you, forever and always furry." That just drips of Nazi ideology, doesn't it?

Strangely, the people he's around don't seem to be bothered at all. They're treating him like any other fursuiter.

And, what does his limited broken English skills in those tweets tell you about his intelligence and naivete levels? Basically he's an idealist child in a man's body, trying to stand for some foolish idea that one should be free to express themselves in any way that works, even if it's tasteless.

Look, I'm sorry your paranoia of a piece of red cloth blinds you to it, but beyond the armband he's got innocence written all over him. He does not understand why you hate him to extremes that would do a white supremacist proud. You haven't even noticed that, because of that innocence, he can't even hate you back.

Anyway, if you're going to be so paranoid of an armband that has no military relevance, but merely bears the symbol of your own fandom, why stop there? Are you that scared of encountering people in Muslim dress too? Does passing strange black people on the street set you clutching your can of mace?

For that matter, have you ever warn a fursuit? Has the thought ever occurred to you how difficult it would be for someone in such a heavy, cumbersome suit to hurt anybody? Has it ever occurred to you how vulnerable to serious injury and death he would be if you were to attack him?

And you Lmao at the thought of persecuting this guy. You know, Foxler is right. He doesn't have a problem. His heart's in the right place. He's going through hell for you, because you've got the problem, and he's putting his very life on the line to help you get over it.

One of these days one of these Antifa nutcases is going to attack him and probably kill him. And you'll probably have a party to celebrate, because then you'll be able to feel safe. Or will you?

You think there'll ever come a day where you won't feel threatened in the world devoid of compassion you're unreasoning paranoia is helping to create? Like hell you ever will.


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