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When did I ever defend Foxler in this thread?

In fact I think I tried to defend Perri (Not her arguments, mind you, just her) and one of the characters she made (even then it can be called an explanation and not really a defense at that).

This is why I made my above comment about "accusing people of being a Nazi". It wasn't aimed at Foxler (as there's enough on the internet to at least get one to quirk a brow at), but rather myself and Perri. Even more specifically myself, as again I've never thrown my hat into the ring on this thread for Foxler - and if I have, please let me know.

Further Edit: I also have iterated above that I'm in sunweavers merely because one or two of my friends are in it. I barely pay any attention to the 'weavers and barely spend any time inworld. If I do it's but a few hours for a club event somewhere. I'm also not Alt-Right.If I HAD to slap a label on myself it'd be a little to the right of the center.


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